Thursday, September 29, 2011

Senator Pearce & Governor Welcome Medical School

For Immediate Release

For More Information Contact Ed Phillips at 480-648-5599


Senator Russell Pearce and Governor Jan Brewer joined in welcoming the Mayo Medical SchoolArizona Campus yesterday. The expansion by the world famous Mayo Clinic is a positive sign in Arizona’s future economic and educational growth.

The Mayo Medical School will include a key collaboration with Arizona State University (ASU). This new branch of Mayo Medical School will off a specialized master’s degree in the Science of Health Care Delivery.

Senator Pearce said of the collaboration: “This new collaboration will aid in meeting the growing medical demands of Arizona’s residents.  The prospect of partnering with a world class medical provider brings greater opportunities for students in Arizona.  That’s always a good thing.  I look forward to watching this new partnership evolve”.

The press release from the Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University is attached

Paid for by Patriots for Pearce

Jerry Lewis, Russell Pearce and Mormon Church's Stance On Immigration.

At the last Republican legislative district 18 meeting on September 27, there was some discussion on the LDS churches stance on illegal immigration so I thought I would post the first couple of paragraphs and a link to the rest of the statement. The of  Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made this statement on June 10, 2011. There have been two statement made and this is the latest.

Around the world, debate on the immigration question has become intense.  That is especially so in the United States. Most Americans agree that the federal government of the United States should secure its borders and sharply reduce or eliminate the flow of undocumented immigrants. Unchecked and unregulated, such a flow may destabilize society and ultimately become unsustainable.

As a matter of policy, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints discourages its members from entering any country without legal documentation, and from deliberately overstaying legal travel visas.

What to do with the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now residing in various states within the United States is the biggest challenge in the immigration debate.  The bedrock moral issue for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is how we treat each other as children of God...... read full text here.
I think it is important to note that it is not a legal issue for the church but a humanitarian issue for the church and how to deal with those already here illegally in the country. I think it is also important to note that the church encourages its members to comply with the laws in the countries they reside and to square themselves with the law if they are not in compliance.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints also has a policy statement:


Emigration of Members

Generally, members are encouraged to remain in their native lands to build up and strengthen the Church. Opportunities for Church activity and for receiving and sharing the blessings of the gospel are increasing greatly throughout the world. As members remain in their homelands and work to build the Church there, great blessings will come to them personally and to the Church. Stakes and wards throughout the world will be strengthened, making it possible to share the blessings of the gospel with an even greater number of Heavenly Father’s children.

Experience has shown that those who emigrate often encounter language, cultural, and economic challenges, resulting in disappointment and personal and family difficulties.
Missionaries should not ask their parents, relatives, or others to sponsor members who wish to emigrate to other countries.

Members who emigrate to any country should comply with applicable laws.

When coming to the United States or other countries on student or tourist visas, members should not expect to find jobs or obtain permanent visas after entering that country.

To be considered for Church employment in any country, a person must meet all conditions of immigration and naturalization laws. The Church does not sponsor immigration through Church employment.
The church also recognizes the difficulties that people encounter, which can also result in personal and family difficulties. The church also recognizes that in order to be employed a person must meet all condition of immigration and naturalization laws.

For Jerry Lewis and his supporter to say that the church doesn't agree with SB1070 or other immigrations laws is wrong.

What they are doing by bring the church in to immigration debate in this recall is mixing church and state and trying to confuse and miss-represent the LDS Church's position on the issue to gain the LDS communities support for their candidate. This is wrong!

I encourage anybody that has questions about the LDS Churches position on immigration to study it out for themselves, make their own determination and not relay upon political candidates or their supporters for interpretation of the churches position.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Statewide Rally To Support Russell Pearce

A m e r i c a n  P o s t - G a z e t t e
Distributed by C O M M O N  S E N S E , in Arizona
September 12, 2011
to Support
State Senate President Russell Pearce!

Conservatives are coming together from all across Arizona to   support Senator Russell Pearce against the RECALL!

WHERE:    Hohokam Stadium (Chicago Cubs Stadium)
                       1235 N. Center Street, Mesa, Az. 85201
WHEN:      FRIDAY, October 14th (Rally)
TIME:         7:00pm (gates open at 6:00pm)

 ALSO:      SATURDAY Morning, October 15th
                    Walk Senator Pearce's District and
           Volunteer to make calls from a Phone Bank
                    (Time and location coming soon)

*Sheriff Joe Arpaio * Sheriff Paul Babeu * Mike Broomhead KFYI Radio
* Senator Andy Biggs * Senator Steve Smith * Representative Michelle Ugenti * Representative John Kavanaugh * Representative Eddie Farnsworth * Superintendent John Huppenthal * GOP Chair Tom Morrissey
(And Many Others to be announced)

For more information about this Rally go to:

Guest Post In Support of Russell Pearce

Hey everyone,

Not all of you live within Arizona's Legislative District 18 but most of you I am sure have heard of the recall effort has been taking place against Senate President Russell Pearce.  Over the past couple of weeks I have felt the need to send you all an email and explain what is really going on with the recall election. 

The recall planning has been taking place since about a year before Russell Pearce was re-elected into office in 2010.  The man who filed the recall and has organized signature gatherers, etc. is Randy Parraz is a union organizer who has taught racist courses at ASU teaching that Hispanics were robbed of their land by the whites and have been oppressed ever since.  He is a left wing progressive who is pro-homosexual marriage, pro-abortion, pro-socialism, anti-guns, etc.
Randy Parraz is not from Arizona and nobody in his organization lives within the boundaries of Russell's district (LD 18) except for one person who was needed in order to file the recall.  Even though Randy's group "Citizens for a Better Arizona" is comprised of people who do not lie in LD18, they felt the need to decide for us who we do and don't want to represent us.  They poured an estimated $75,000+ just into paying hired signature gathers.  This effort began over a year before Russell was elected back into office in 2010 and took almost 2 years to gather enough signatures.

Randy Parraz was educated at Berkley (one of the nations most liberal Universities) and was later trained by some of the most radical and progressive people in America to be an effective community organizer (much like Barack Obama).  He was trained and has trained many others to do the same.  He was later sent to Arizona (lives in Scottsdale) with a Mission to turn Arizona into a Democratic Blue State.  I first met Randy Parraz in front of the Mesa Public Library where he and a group of his cronies were gathering recall signatures.  I was wearing a "Vote Russell Pearce" T-shirt (I have 5 of them and wear them frequently) as they noticed I was a Pearce supporter Randy and one of his progressive thugs began to physically assault me by pushing into me and stepping on my feet and not letting me go.  As I asked them politely to get off of my foot and let me go, they began telling me to leave or they will call the cops and tell them that I was physically assaulting THEM! My Dad was there and was the only witness besides Randy Parraz and his 10 friends.  This is the kind of people who are behind this recall election.

The plan all along was not to recruit a democratic candidate to run against Russell in the recall election, but to find a republican (any republican) to run against him.  The reason for this is because Russell has accomplished and continues to accomplish more for conservatism and American values than any other legislator in our generation.  Jerry Lewis is being used as a pawn in this left wing scam and it is extremely disheartening to see many good people join the ranks on the Jerry Lewis side.  Jerry Lewis is a good man but I can assure you that if elected into office, he will not accomplish much if anything in the Arizona Senate.  This is exactly what the liberals want and it has been the goal of the far left all along.  To put on the breaks for conservatism in LD18, not to pull a U-turn.

I was talking to a member of Jerry's campaign telling him that after viewing Jerry's interview on PBS and other programs and looking at his platform on his campaign website it became apparent to me that he only gives lofty goals like "I want Arizona to be a great place for students" or "I want Arizona to be a great place for businesses" or but those are goals that are given by Republicans and Democrats alike.  I told the member of his campaign that I noticed even when he is given direct questions on what specific plans he has in mind to accomplish those goals or what he will do differently than Senator Pearce, he skirts around the issues and doesn't give any plans as to how he plans on achieving those goals.  The member of his campaign admitted to me that Jerry does not yet know how to accomplish those goals and doesn't have a plan yet.  I was also speaking to another member of his campaign and he admitted to me that he knows that Jerry will not accomplish much as Senator.  Both of these instances were direct conversations that I had with members of his campaign committee and were not "hearsay".

The recall effort is a nonsensical abuse of our electoral process and it is an assault on our constitution.  Recalls were meant to be used in events of corruption, dishonesty, malicious activity, or violations of the law.  Russell is guilty of none of those things and he is the most honest, moral legislator we have in the State of Arizona.  He does not compromise his values for campaign contributions, he does not exchange votes with other legislators, he does not back down when cheap labor groups, Randy Parraz, the democratic party or the labor unions threaten him with a recall.  And he does not compromise his values because his decisions might not be popular.

Russell Pearce has the courage, the integrity and the experience that LD 18 needs right now and I urge everyone who is currently on the fence or leaning in favor of Jerry Lewis to look at their records and to look at who is behind the recall effort.  I urge you all to look at Russell's track record.  Study our constitution.  There is more at stake in this election that we understand.  Socialism has been slowly creeping into our governments policies, our federal government has slowly grown larger and larger outside of the constitutional limitations it was given by our founding fathers, states rights have slowly been taken away by the federal government, our freedoms have slowly been taken away, and morality and God have slowly but surely been dismissed from the debate.  Russell is the only legislator who protects the constitution, our freedoms, and our values without compromise.  He has never stopped protecting our freedoms.

The recall election is an unfair election because there is no primary or general election.  There will be 2 republican candidates that will be voted on by not only their republican peers (as in a primary election) but also by all independents and democrats.  This means that the 30% of LD 18 which is democrat will vote for Jerry Lewis, and most of the independents.  This means that Jerry Lewis might win with only 15-20% of the republican vote.  I think that it is sad that Jerry Lewis could win this election without even coming close to acquiring a majority of support from the party that he professes to represent.  
I know that many of you don't agree with Russell on all the issues.  That's alright.  As Russell puts it "those of you who are married know that you can often disagree with those you love most." Whether you agree with Russell 95% of the time or 75% of the time, I promise you that this recall election is more than a election against two opposing views.  This is an election that will decide the fate of Arizona politics forever.  Jerry Lewis is being used as a pawn by Randy Parraz and his progressive

I will not allow Randy Parraz to manipulate my district for his agenda.  If Russell loses in this recall election, recalls could very well become a popular tool that the left will continue to use against the most conservative leaders in Arizona.

Here is a very abbreviated list of just a few of Russell's accomplishments as an AZ legislator.  No other legislator in my generation has had the moral convictions, work ethic, and love for our constitution and for God as Russell does and nobody has or will accomplish more than he has.

Fiscal Responsibility:
- Passed a $500,000,000 tax reduction bill for Arizona families, the largest tax relief bill in Arizona history.
- This past year he lead and passed a balanced budget (first time in years) with NO new borrowing and NO new taxes, after taking on a tremendous state deficit.
- Only Arizonan and one of only 7 legislators in history to receive the "Hero of the Taxpayer" award from the American Tax Reform Association.
- Also was awarded the "Champion of the Taxpayer" award by the National Organization of Americans for Prosperity.
- Rated "Friend of the Taxpayer" by the Arizona Tax Payers Association

Supporting business and job growth:
-  Sponsored the “Arizona Competitiveness Package” which cut corporate taxes by 30% and business property taxes by 10%.

Protect property rights and limitations of government authority:
- Sponsored legislation to stop eminent domain abuse and protect property rights.
- Recognized by the Goldwater Institute as haven “proved to be the strongest ally… against government encroachment on liberty.”

Protect 2nd amendment rights:
- Sponsored SB1108 the "Freedom to Carry Act" restoring 2nd amendment rights to Arizonans and making Arizona the number one state for 2nd amendment freedom.
- Consistently given an A+ rating by the NRA
- Given the top ranking by the Arizona Citizens Defense League

Family values:
- Wrote Prop 102 which amended the Arizona constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman, preserving the sanctity of marriage.
- 100% pro-life record

Protect equality and eliminate racial preference:
- Wrote Prop 107 which ended affirmative action in Arizona (reverse racism).

Improve education:
- Honored by Arizona School Public Relations Association for his outstanding contributions to public education.
- Named a “Champion for ASU” for his support of students, their families, and higher education at a ceremony at ASU
- Honored by the Arizona Technology Council for protecting and advancing Arizona as a top tier technology state several years in a row
- Given the "Apple Award" by Parents for Education for his continued work on achieving high results for education, while supporting Parents rights in educational choice.

Fighting illegal immigration and standing up for the rule of law:
- Wrote Prop 200 in 2004 stopping welfare and voting fraud. (passed on the ballot by over a 70% of the voters)
- Wrote Prop 100 in 2006 which denies bond to illegal immigrants who have committed serious and violent crimes. (passed on the ballot by 78% of the voters)
- Wrote Prop 102 in 2006 which prevents the same from receiving punitive damages. (passed on the ballot by 75% of the voters)
- Wrote Prop 103 in 2006 making English the official of Arizona. (Passed by 73% of the voters)
- Sponsored and passed the employers sanctions law in 2007 which puts penalties on employers for hiring illegal immigrants.
- Sponsored and passed SB1070 which allows Arizona to enforce the federal immigration laws which have been left unenforced for many years.

While Director of the MVD:- Produced a savings of over $10 million in administrative costs annually
- Created Service Arizona, the first and only service of its kind presented implemented by a government agency.  It has received an E-Business award from IBM
- Reduced wait times for MVD customers from over two hours to about twenty minutes
- Created GITEM (Gang, Intelligence, Training, Enforcement Mission) a state-wide task force to combat the growing gang violence in Arizona
- Expanded the DUI Task Force into a statewide effort.
- Promoted alcohol "Zero Tolerance" for youth under 21.
- Receieved national recognition and a national award for a Hispanic outreach program to reduce DUI's and underage drinking.

As Chief Deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office:
- Created Tent City, producing millions of dollars worth of savings annually for the tax payer.
- Awarded the Medal of Valor while serving as a Deputy for his bravery and persistence to continue to apprehend assaulters even after being shot through the hand and chest (without wearing a protective vest).
- Created the Arizona Auto Theft Authority and funded it with assessments from insurance companies using no tax payer dollars.  With over a 1300% return on investment and a 47% reduction in auto thefts in Arizona, it has been given a national award as being the most effective program of its kind.  (Arizona is no longer #1 in auto thefts)
- Implemented the Arizona Automated Fingerprint identification (AFIS).  AFIS is a high speed image processing system that enhances the ability of the latent fingerprint examiners to search and identify crime scene evidence.  Hailed as one of the best and most innovative law enforcement tools for catching criminals, he crafted the system using fees and fines from convicts.

While Justice of the Peace:
- Established the North Mesa court as the ranking “most efficient court in Arizona.”

Please support Russell in this coming election.  If any of you have any questions regarding the election, Russell's views, track record, or anything they have read or heard from the media, please let me know.

~Talmage Pearce

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Democrats Attack Mesa Board Members Over Redistricting Vote!

Every 10 years the City of Mesa has to go through a process of adjusting district boundaries based on the census. That process is going on right now and on October 3 the Mesa City Council is scheduled to take a vote on the proposed plan.

This plan is a modified version of Plan B. Plan be is supported by a majority of the council I've been told. Their is one detractor and that is Dennis Kavanaugh.

Mr. Kavanaugh would prefer a plan that would allow him to get his hands into the Riverview Park Area, that would be bad for West Mesa and the planed redevelopment of the area. Unfortunately many of those in West Mesa are more focused on the Russell Pearce Recall and have taken their eye off the mark of making West Mesa a better place.

The process has not been very simple for residence of Mesa to follow. First there have been problems with the consultant that was hired in planning and providing information and documentation to council members, they also haven't been able to dictate to the public very well what is going on.

When was the last time you heard anything about redistricting?

Even though Mesa's elections are non partisan in nature and 4 of the 5 members are Democrats that hasn't stopped the Democrats from attacking one of their own over their vote for modified plan B.Saying now that individual didn't know what they were voting for.

The Democrats are now trying to redo the process before it is sent to the city council for a vote on October 3. I would encourage anyone interested to attend the meeting and tell the council that modified plan B is the best one for Mesa and if you are from West Mesa make sure that you tell them to keep Dennis Kavanaugh out of the area.

There will be more to come as I find out more information about what is going on.

Read What Supporters Of Jerry Lewis and Randy Parraz Are Saying Now!

Here is more of what Randy Parraz and Jerry Lewis supports are now saying about Russell Pearce. These comments have been posted in a FB group supporting Jerry Lewis and watching Pearce.

These comment had been made in regards to a October 14th & 15th event to support the Senator. I think it does a pretty good job of showing the hate these people have.

Where did the love go that Jerry Lewis has called for?

Tommy O. Collins It will get really filthy from the pearce camp now... they have no class at all and their candidate has not the chance of an ice cube in a hot oven.Friday at 8:29pm · 5 people

Julie Legler Jorgensen It's been filthy for 11 years.22 hours ago · 1 person

Tommy O. Collins ‎@Julie, DO NOT make the mistake of underestimating the corruption and criminal nature of pearce and his gang of miscreants, including MCSO. If I were Mr. Lewis I would have security systems installed at home, along with 24/7 surveillance...20 hours ago · 3 people

Julie Legler Jorgensen Do you think they were behind the padlock incident?
18 hours ago

Tommy O. Collins ‎@Julie, if your question is directed at me... it's possible, but there is no way to find out until one of the goobers (or his girlfriend) brags about it in an open bar where someone else hears it and reports it. OR (as is most common) the guy involved beats up his girlfriend (which he learned to do from watching his dad beat up mom) and she turns on him to have his sorry ass put in jail with his brother...
3 hours ago
No doubt these comments will be removed the same as the last one got removed after I post about what they want to do to Mesa businesses

Russell Pearce & Business Owners! Here What They Say.

Claude & Kathy Adams, Owners Pete's Fish n Chips:
Running a small business is always a challenge. Senator Pearce understands this so that's why he has always been a strong supporter of small business by passing legislation that lowers taxes and regulations. His legislation helped our business and others grow. We need leaders like Senator Pearce to help stabilize and grown this economy.

Earl Johnson, Owner Johnson Stewart Company:
As a longtime Mesa resident and small business owner, I proudly stand in support of Senator Russell Pearce. Senator Pearce is a rarity among politicians these days in that he keeps his word to his constituents and does exactly what he tells them he's going to do. Senator Pearce has been a strong supporter of small business by consistently voting to keep taxes low and removing burdensome regulations.

National Federation of Independent Business had this to say:
Small business job creators support Senator Russell Pearce because he's one of Arizona's most pro-small business lawmakers. We stand by Senator Pearce because he consistently stands by small business. We need his in the legislature to help ensure Arizona's private sector can create jobs and get economy growing again.
Do you stand with these businesses or do you stand with Randy Parraz in the recall election?

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Real Winers In Education, Teachers or Kids?

According the story below Arizona English teachers or those that teach English to our children don't need to be proficient in the the language, have good grammar, or can mispronounce words anymore.

I think I'm going to apply for a job to teach English in our public school system because characteristics fit me perfectly well.English has never been my strong point and now I can take that and get a job with it.

don't believe me you can read more about it right here.

I you don't want to read it. Here is an example of what they are talking about:

Exmples of concerns included a teacher who asked her English learners "How do we call it in English?" and teachers who pronounced "levels" as "lebels" and "much" as "mush." Last year, federal officials found monitoring reports that documented teachers who pronounced "the" as "da" and "lives here" as "leeves here."
Finely there is hope for me and all the rest of us that have trouble with the English language. The USA is really a place of possibilities.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Who is the REAL WINNER in the Recall Race?

Everybody knows where I stand in this race and everybody knows about the sham I feel this recall is to the voters of Mesa and the State of Arizona.

Now I know, some people will disagree with me and that is fine. But it can't be said that I don't stand up for what I believe to be right even if others feel I'm total wrong. I call it as I see it.

Putting that aside let's take a little deeper look at the issue of the recall and the potential out come.

The recall group and those opposing the senator Pearce say he is hurting Arizona and not focusing on the needs of Arizonans. I question that and I question their motives in the recall. Is it really to "Better Arizona or Mesa" as I pointed out previously post or is there another motive.

Senator Pearce has brought attention to the issue of illegal immigration, both on locally and national level. His action have forced the federal government to take notice and to take action on the issue by suing the State of Arizona. Other states are now following Arizona's lead and have their own version of SB1070 that they are working on or have passed and guess what they are being sued also. Because of Senator Pearce's efforts in this area, to protect Arizona, Arizonans and the nation for that matter; he has become a high profile target for those in opposition to having states participate in doing the job the federal government has failed or refuses to do.

The political party that has the most interest in NOT dealing with the immigration issue is the Democratic Party. Why because they see the Latino vote as a vote for them and they do not want to do anything that would dilute the vote. That is one reason why they are so against cleaning up the voter roles here in Arizona and across the nation.

And that is why they have targeted Senate President Russell Pearce for removal.

Democrats are very united in their efforts and if they move slowly or quickly it doesn't matter because they are good at staying united and working for their goal of socialism. Republicans on the other hand, have a much harder time doing that and that works to the advantage of the Democrats.

The Democrats have been trying for years and waiting for the right time to strike. They have been planning for this moment for some time. The recall against Senator President Russell Pearce was planed even before the last legislative session started in January of 2011.

That is where Randy Parraz comes into the pictures. As one supporter said:
He (Randy Parraz) moved to Arizona from California, for the purpose of making changes in Arizona.  He has been trained, and has trained others, in doing exactly that. His goal is to turn Arizona into a blue state.
So what have the good Republicans of legislative district 18 done, they took the bait! Randy Parraz provided the hook, (recall) and Republicans who would not of taken the bait before now have. As another supporter said:

Who is the winner and who is the loser in what you see right now?  The Democrat Randy Parraz is the hands-down winner.  He has gotten not just Republicans to fight against each other, he has gotten Mormons to fight against each other.   He has gotten Arizona Conservatives to take their attention off other, very  important issues and instead focus on “the recall election of Russell Pearce”!   You (Republican detractors) made the decision that the recall of Russell Pearce trumped everything else.  After all, it was your right.
 If Randy Parraz is successful in his efforts to recall Senator Pearce it will just embolden him and he will go after other conservatives in his effort for change. Haven't we had enough of the HOPE and CHANGE?

Here is what Melissa Houghton said in a comment left on Facebook:

Better days for AZ, and for the rest of the US, hopefully. When Pearce is gone, perhaps there will be a domino effect....truly, this recall effort is a model for everywhere else.

As another support put it:

...will Mr. Lewis be able to do any good?  No.  He has no power, no clue, no political clout. He knows nothing about how to implement any policies or ideas he may have about illegal immigration, jobs, the economy, education, or anything else. He will end up going along and getting along.  He doesn’t have the guts or the stomach to face the angry illegals who desecrated our beloved American flag at the state capitol.  Nothing in his training or experience has prepared him to stand up to the “in your face” provocation that Russell Pearce has faced. Jerry Lewis is much too nice for that ugly fight. He will cave.
 This country is in moral decay, we are calling good bad and bad good. We have a government that is out of control and good men such are Russell Pearce step up to the plate, works to protect our borders, bring jobs to Arizona and Mesa, fights to keep taxes low, fights to make education better by working for choices and getting more money into class rooms instead of administrators, and we call that bad.

Randy Parraz handed the Republican detractors of Senator Pearce a line, hook and sinker and they bit. They are now doing the work of the Democratic Party to bring about Dems. goals. We have done just what they wanted us to do. Why do you think they aren't running a Democratic candidate because they know one can't win.

Here is what Crystal E. Long another Randy Parraz supporter had to say about his efforts:

You are creating History Randy. I watch in awe.
Is this the kind of history we as Mesa voters want? To know that we did the the work of the Democratic Party?

Having been elected at second vice chairman of the state Republican Party, having served as Legislative District 18 chairman and as a former Member of the Maricopa County GOP Executive guidance committee, I do understand a few things about how politics works. I ask who has and can help Mesa the most, is it Senator Russell Pearce or is it new comer Jerry Lewis who will have no clout in the state. If you think about it long and hard, I think you will come to the right conclusion.

What is best, isn't always what is handed to you on a Silver Platter!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Citizen's For A Better Arizona (Mesa), Ya Right!

I've taken some heat for the Randy Parraz recall signs that went up pointing out who is behind the recall effort. Gilbert Watch has done a really good job pointing out who Randy Parraz is in To the Supporters of Jerry Lewis: So why should I be the only one to take a little heat?

Now Randy Parraz and Citizen's for a Better Arizona are up to it again.

It was recently brought to my attention that this group who wants to make "Arizona a better place" is targeting businesses that support Russell Pearce.

Below are just a couple of the comments these people are making from one of their Facebook Pages.

Robert H McDonald Jr said:  
I was driving down mesa Dr and spotted the first of several Russell Pearce signs. Most were posted at businesses like Norm's watch repair and Millitts insurance Co. We need to boycott any business that supports that criminal.

Moiro Carney said:
I agree w' Robert, boycott those businesses. Or better yet-make it a point to stop in as if you were going to give them your business, and then mention that you can't in good faith support their business because they support Pearce

Respect Respecto said:  
My recommendation is to walk in an establishment, THEN notice the sign ... make small talk about "I can't believe you support Pearce ... " and walk out. Don't forget to make sure other customers hear you.

Robert Hassch said:
Probably banking on the assumption that they will survive between today and Friday. (signs)

Is Randy Parraz and the recall supporters of Russell Pearce really for a better Arizona?

These are the kinds of tactics that Unions and their thugs use to break a business. It is also the kind a antics open border advocates tried to use against Pruitts Furniture in Phoenix, in which finally the police had to be brought in. It is similar to what they did when they tried to invite themselves to a private part party sponsored by supporters of Russell Pearce of which Michael Wright of the Wright House was involved in.

The recall groups, supporters and candidates talk about civility, but yet their actions don't show it. Is this really the kind of people you want down at the legislature? I have never seen Russell Pearce advocate these kinds of tactics against a business.

Russell Pearce on the other hand looks to built build business up by fighting to keep taxes low, by fighting to keep government regulation down, by keeping jobs in Mesa i.e. the Cubs, Arizona Regional Medical Center (300 jobs), and Cindi's Cafe to name a few. 

Big difference between advocating for a Better Arizona and Mesa than that which Randy Parraz and his recall supporters are doing.